Definition of Egg donation

1. Noun. The process by which a woman provides one or several eggs (ova, oocytes) for purposes of assisted reproduction or biomedical research ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Egg donation

1. Donation of an ovum by one woman to another who attempts to become pregnant by in vitro fertilization. (09 Oct 1997)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Egg Donation

egg-white injury
egg-white syndrome
egg albumin
egg and spoon race
egg and spoon races
egg bank
egg bread
egg case
egg cluster
egg cream
egg cup
egg cups
egg donation
egg donations
egg drop
egg drop soup
egg drop syndrome
egg en cocotte
egg foo yong
egg fu yung
egg hunt
egg in one's beer
egg laying
egg matza
egg matzah
egg matzahs
egg matzas

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